IMMOBLADE is proud to announce that the company has been awarded a grant to industrialize the manufacturing processes for SoliBlade solar control glass.

With the aim of promoting the deployment of new, innovative products/services with added value on the market, regionalized France 2030 promotes the development of SMEs and ETIs. The French government and the Occitanie region are mobilizing €40 million to support the projects of French and Occitanie companies.
The I3M project - Industrialization of SoliBlade
How do you automatically assemble a customized blind, different for each product?
This problem lies at the heart of the I3M project. SoliBlade is a hyper-customized product for every project and every façade. The industrialization of its production requires the digitization of the entire chain, involving all manufacturing stations.
"The ambition of this program is to create a production system that can be replicated and projected by industrial partners, in order to seek out new markets and accelerate the scaling-up of our solution. "emphasizes Xavier SEMBELY, President of IMMOBLADE.
- Product overview
IMMOBLADE has developed a fixed solar protection system, integrated directly into the glazing, to optimize solar gain in both summer and winter. The system is based on the integration of miniaturized aluminum sunshade blades into the argon space of a double-glazed unit. Each sunshade is tailor-made for each building and facade, depending on its location and orientation. Solar trajectory is also taken into account in these calculations, the key to optimizing solar gain.
The SoliBlade product has now been mastered, but to meet the needs of the tertiary sector, its manufacturing processes need to be improved.
In fact, the hyper-customization of solar protection requires particular care in its manufacture, and makes processes more complex.

IMMOBLADE objectives
The company then launched the I3M project, aimed at industrializing its manufacturing processes. To this end, IMMOBLADE plans to automate all SoliBlade manufacturing stations and design a brand-new, ultra-compact, made-to-measure assembly frame. The ultimate goal is to create a production system that can be replicated to open up new markets.
IMMOBLADE sincerely thanks BPI France, the DRETTS, the Occitanie Region and the regional agency AD'OCC for believing in this project and actively participating in its implementation.