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Building solar protection: Solar glazing that is effective all year round, without maintenance

facade avec vitrages serigraphiés SoliArt

Improve thermal comfort and optimize the energy performance of your buildings.

IMMOBLADE revolutionizes solar protection of glass walls with an innovative glazing solution.

This passive solar protection, directly integrated into the glazing, blocks the sun's rays in summer and lets heat through in winter.


A sustainable alternative for commercial buildings, schools and collective housing.

thermometer icon

Improving thermal comfort

Lightning icon

Reduce energy consumption

Hot and cold

Limiting the use of air conditioning and heating


Reducing carbon footprint

Our solar glass

For your new-build or renovation projects

Une solution sur-mesure pour les bâtiments scolaires, les bureaux, les logements collectifs mais aussi les centres de soins.

Les vitrages solaires IMMOBLADE apportent une protection efficace contre les rayons du soleil et la surchauffe, tout en laissant entrer la lumière naturelle. Installés sur des constructions neuves ou des projets de rénovation, ils permettent d'améliorer l’isolation thermique des bâtiments et réduisent leur consommation d’énergie, tout en augmentant le confort des occupants.


Immeubles de bureaux

Logements collectifs

Etablissements médicaux

Étude des flux solaires.png

Looking for sun protection for your buildings?



Are you an engineer in a thermal design office?


A committed company

Founded in 2018, IMMOBLADE is an innovative company specializing in passive and seasonal solar protection glazing.
Our team's mastery of the sun's path enables us to offer solutions adapted to each project to solve your thermal issues.
IMMOBLADE plays an active role in the fight against global warming and the energy efficiency of buildings, proposing solutions for low-carbon construction to ensure the sustainability of the sector.

equipe immoblade

Discover our achievements

De Paris à Montpellier, découvrez comment nos vitrages solaires s’intègrent sur de multiples projets en neuf ou en rénovation, y compris dans des zones sous réglementation ABF.

Que se soit pour des salles de classes, des bâtiments administratifs ou industriels, nos solutions innovantes améliorent le confort thermique des occupants tout en préservant l’esthétique des façades, des baies vitrées et des verrières.

"Immoblade Ministore (SoliBlade) glazing is adapted to the use of the offices studied (Centre de Gestion de la Fonction Publique Territoriale de l'Ariège). Its aesthetic integration is optimal, and its installation adds value to the legibility of the facade and the privacy of the ground-floor offices. This product is ideal for workplaces."

Feedback - Architect

Got a project?

IMMOBLADE will study your project and help you choose your solar protection solution.

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